Tired of plain old 'burgers for summertime? Mix it up a bit by adding some classic Greek flavor: spinach, feta, roasted red pepper, and herbs...Yum! Serve...
This is an authentic Swedish Almond Spritz recipe handed down through the family from Swedish Ancestors. It's the only recipe I've ever know that includes...
These German almond cookies are dairy free and gluten free and are baked during Advent in preparation for Christmas. They are quick and easy to make with...
This recipe has been with me for over 30 years; it was given to me by a Kashmiri guy I shared a house with when I was 17. This is his mum's family recipe....
These slow cooker turkey meatballs in tomato sauce are a great alternative to traditional beef meatballs. Can be served over pasta or make meatball sandwiches...
Lemon granita is one of my favorite things about Sicily. It's easy to make at home if a trip to the island isn't possible. Using Meyer lemons, which tend...
Relatively simple baked boneless chicken breast with Italian flavorings topped with melted Brie...aka suuuuper yummy. Good for a romantic dinner (you can...
Very easy and fast to make from scratch and healthy, too. In Brazil, this cake is a favorite along a cup of coffee for breakfast. It is very similar in...
This peasant food comes from Roman sheep herders who had little time and money to spend on eating. They used their sheep's cheese and a bit of the water...
This is a delectably rich, buttery, and simple-to-make rendition of the traditional Japanese dessert of red-bean mochi. Traditional Japanese mochi is made...
I tried this recipe years ago when I first started cooking. It's been a constant hit since then and is virtually foolproof. Unlike regular meatloaf, this...
Think homemade mozzarella cheese is impossible to make? Think again! This recipe shows you how to make delicious mozzarella cheese from scratch. You can...
Your Instant Pot® replaces the traditional clay or ceramic cone-shaped cooking pot used in Moroccan cuisine (the tagine). The word 'tagine' also refers...
This recipe for hard ginger nut biscuits is possibly one of the oldest ones I have in my possession. My English grandma used it many years ago. The cookies...
This is a traditional Chinese dish, which is simple to make. Tender chunks of chicken are bathed in a rich, hot, and spicy sauce. Enjoy with freshly cooked...
From the North of England, these cakes are pastries, a sweet and spicy mixture in a puff pastry case with a shiny coating -- best eaten straight from the...
This is a juicy dish and really easy to prepare. I have made these for years and they're still a huge favorite with family and friends. I serve them with...
A very quick and easy recipe. I actually stumbled across this by using leftovers. My family of 7 likes it so much that we have it a few times a month....
Clafoutis is a French dessert which combines fresh fruit and custard. Just like a souffle, it rises beautifully then it deflates once cooled. It's best...
My father taught me how to make this quick and easy dinner for four. We usually eat this dish with rice and steamed green beans. Note: You can get the...